Lessons can be accessed by clicking on the titles below.
Segregation of Genes: The Plant Breeder's Method of Predicting the Future
How plant breeders create families with new combinations of traits and make predictions about the inheritance of traits. Discusses Mendel and Punnett.
DNA and DNA Extraction
This lesson discusses what DNA is and how it relates to genes and chromosomes. How and why DNA is extracted in the genetic engineering process is also covered.
Overview of Plant Genetic Engineering
A general description of the overall process of genetic engineering. A basic explanation of the five steps for genetically engineering a crop is provided.
Real Time PCR - Some Basic Principles
Real time PCR is a laboratory technique that can perform relatively accurate, reliable and reproducible measurements, to quantitatively determine the presence of specific gene sequences. Its value is being recognized in a variety of applications, including transgenic (GMO) detection. It is becoming increasingly important to know what percentage of a particular transgene is present in an export shipment, for example. Real time PCR can also be used to support more traditional plant breeding techniques, making the process of distinguishing allelic variations more efficient. This lesson explains the principles of real time PCR and its' application, with examples in plant breeding and GMO detection.