Nitrogen Use Efficiency Lectures by Stephen Baenziger
Abiotic Stress Lectures by Brian Arnall
Nested Association Mapping Lectures by Luther Talbert
Association Mapping Lectures By Mark Sorrells
SNP Genotyping Technologies by Jamie Sherman
Quantitative Genetics Lecture Series By Clay Sneller
Unit 1 Lectures covering introductory material, allele and genotype frequencies, diversity, and distance
Unit 2 Lectures covering genetic effects, mean, and breeding value
Unit 3 Lectures covering variances and covariance of relatives.
Unit 4 Lectures covering heritability.
Unit 5 Lectures covering gain from selection
Unit 6 Lectures covering gain from indirect selection
Unit 7 Lectures covering gain from indirect selection using markers
QTL Mapping Lectures by Jamie Sherman
Introduction to Linkage Mapping Part I
MapDisto: Input Data and Finding Groups
QTL Mapping: Single Marker Analysis, Interval Mapping, and Composite Interval Mapping
QTL Mapping: Multiple Interval and Multiple Trait Mapping
For practice data that has been mapped see the Oregon Wolfe Barley web site
Association Mapping TCAP Grad Course Lectures
Introduction to AA and GS Series by Clay Sneller
Introduction to AA and GS: Underlying Quantitative Genetics Principles (Flash)
Mixed Model Method for Association Mapping Series by Jeffrey Endelman
Mixed Model Method for Association Mapping Part I (live class recording; sorry for the background music)
Mixed Model Method for Association Mapping Part II (live class recording)
Application of Association Mapping to Crop Improvement by Mark Sorrels
Genomic Selection in Plant Breeding by Mark Sorrels (live class recording)
Introduction to Genomic Selection Theory Series by Jean-Luc Jannink
Introduction to Genomic Selection Theory (live class recording)
Introduction to Genomic Selection Theory and Lab (live class recording)
Genomic Selection Theory and Lab (live class recording)-December 4, 2012
Genomic Selection Theory and Lab Continued (live class recording)-December 6, 2012