Home of Archived Webinars Hosted in the PBTN
TCAP Graduate Student Webinar Series
- Steve Carlsen: Unraveling the complexity of Spot Form Net Blotch virulence.
- Roshan Acharya: Identification of qtls for stay-green and other agronomic traits in spring wheat.
- Andrea Salcedo: Identification of the gene Sr39 that confers resistance against Ug99 stem rust race.
- Matthew Haas: The Utility of Wild Germplasm in Breeding for Disease Resistance.
- Sarah Grogan: Heading date in winter wheat: variability, plasticity, and allelic diversity
- Rui Wang: Molecular mapping of resistance to a new pathotype of the spot blotch pathogen Bioplaris Sorokinian in barley
- Austin Case: Genetics and Sources of Stem Rust Resistance in Barley
- Ana Poets: The Genetic Provenance of Barley Domestication
- Allison Haaning: Association Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Tillering Traits in Barley.
- Andrea Carella: QTL's providing resistance to the wheat stem sawfly.
- Tyson Howell: Finding a gene for drought resistance in wheat.
- David Chappel: Utilizing physiological traits as a high-throughput phenotyping selection tool for yield in soft red winter wheat.
- Nicolas Cobo: Discovery, High-density mapping and pyramiding of a partial resistance QTL for stripe rust resistance in common wheat.
- Sruthi Narayanan: Physiological and Lipidomic Characterization of High Temperature Stress and Traits Associated with Tolerance in Wheat.
- Gina Brown-Guedira: Genotyping for breeding
- Pat Byrne: Breeding for Drought Tolerance
- Dr. Carolyn Lawrence: Model Organism Databases and MaizeGDB.
- Natalia de Leon: Maize GWAS and Trait Discovery
- Stephen Baenziger: NUE From a Genetics Perspective
- Brian Arnall: Nitrogen Use Efficiency: Agronomic Perspective.
- Michael Gore: Connecting Genotype to Phenotype Preogress with A Next-Generation Platform in Maize and Cotton
- Dr. Craig F. Morris: All Systems Go: Integrating breeding and genetics into crop improvement and utilization.
- Rex Bernardo: Strategies for the Routine Use of Genomewide Selection in an Inbred Development Program.
- Shuyu Liu: Detection of QTL Epistasis and QTL by Environment Interactions Using QTL Network
- Jesse Poland: Field-based high-throughput phenotyping for plant breeding and genetics
- Ken Kephart: Augmented Lattice Square Design for Early Generation Evaluation of Spring Barley or Augmented Lattice Square Design for Early Generation Evaluation of Spring Barley (YouTube)
- Dr. Jianming Yu: The Critical Role of "Frequency" in Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding.
- Dr. Sanford Eigenbrode: REACCH (vimeo) or REACCH (YouTube)
- Dr. Paul Gepts: In situ farmer management of genetic diversity as a complement to ex situ conservation.
- Araby Belcher, Alfonso Cuesta-Marcos and Celeste Falcon: Type-2 Modified Augmented Design.
- Dr. Kevin Murphy: Breeding Quinoa for North America
- Gina Brown-Guedira and Jared Smith: KASP workshop.
- Gustavo de los Campos: Factors Affecting the Prediction Accuracy of Whole Genome Regressions.
- Pat Hayes: Rapid Response in Breeding: the Challenges and Opportunities of Shifting Landscapes
- Jianli Chen: Molecular Breeding for Biotic and Abiotic Resistances in University of Idaho Wheat Breeding and Genetics Program.
- Bayer Crop Science Panel
- Dr. Kent Eskridge: Field Design in Plant Breeding.
- Martin Matute; Plant-Parasitic Nematodes: The Farmer's Hidden Enemy.
- Jorge Dubcovsky and Tyson Howell: Canopy Spectral Reflectance: Lessons and Improvements in 2012.
- Jean-Luc Jannik, Vic Blake, and Dave Matthews: Introduction to T3
- Eduard Akhunov: Usage of genome-wide genotyping approaches to understand the genetics of agronomically important traits in wheat.
- Deana Namuth-Covert: Cyberspace: New Frontiers in Learning and Net-working.
- Dr. Stephen Baenziger: Understanding Grain Yield: It's a Journey, Not a Destination.
- Brittany Hazard: Development of Wheat with Increased Levels of Resistant Starch.
- Tyson Howell: Drought Resistance in Wheat Conferred by a 1RS Translocation.
- Rebecca Nitcher: Vernalization and Photoperiod Effect on Cereal Flowering.
- Liana Nice: Utilization of Wild Barley Germplasm through Multiparent Population Development.