Starting Day 29
Day 29, 30. Becoming flower buds.
Day 30, 31. Floral anthesis (flower opening). Some plants will continue to twine and vine. Others will stay compact and may not vine.
Day 32, 33. A close up of bean flowers developing their full pink color.
Note: the trichomes on the edge of the leaflet (yellow arrow) and on the stem (blue arrow).
Inside the immature bean flower (figures below), the reproductive parts of the bean plant have formed. They are the stamens and their parts - anthers and filaments and the pistil and its parts - stigma, style, and ovary.
Day 35. Within a couple of days, the seed pod (arrow) appears under the senesced (dead) flower. If you let the plants continue to grow, you will soon see flowers and then pods in every leaflet axil.
Day 36. Soon other small bean pods are revealed.
Day 39/40. You should be able to see each bean within a pod.