Can you Identify Grain and Extent?


A is a blurred black dot, b is a less blurred black dot, and c is a more crisp black dot than a and b

What image depicts the finest grain size?

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a is a small circle, b is a bigger circle, c is a large circle

What image depicts the largest extent?

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Global land-ocean temperature index indicates that annual mean temperature is variable from 1880 to 2000, but a 5 year running mean shows increasing temperature trends more smoothly

What is the spatial and temporal extent depicted in this figure from NASA?

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organic matter trends over centuries (0 - 50), years (0-1), or days (0-2).

What is the broadest temporal extent depicted in the Figure below?

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Fine-scale events can become broad-scale events when which of the following occurs?

Looks Good! Correct, when local events occur synchronously over a large extent they emerge at broader scales.