Soil Genesis and Development, Lesson 5 - Soil Classification and Geography Glossary
- alluvium
Sediments deposited by the running water of streams or rivers. Alluvium may occur on terraces well above present streams, on the present flood plains or deltas, or as a fan at the base of a slope. (SSSA)
- anaerobic
1. The absence of molecular oxygen (O2). 2. Anaerobic soil -- a condition that exists in soils when they are flooded or compacted.
- B horizon
The B horizon is typically a mineral subsurface horizon. B horizons are zones of accumulation, called illuviation, such as an accumulation of clay, soluble salts, and/or iron. Minerals in the B horizon may be undergoing transformations such as chemical alteration of clay structure. The dominant processes in a B horizon are transformations and additions.
- permafrost
Permanently frozen material underlying the solum. (ii) A perennially frozen soil horizon.
- soil taxonomy
The classification and naming of soils.