5.3 - Entisols
This is a very diverse group of soils with one thing in common, little profile (horizon) development. Includes the soils of unstable environments, such as floodplains, sand dunes, or those found on steep slopes. Entisols are commonly found at the site of recently deposited materials (e.g., alluvium), or in parent materials resistant to weathering (e.g. sand). Entisol soils also occur in areas where a very dry or cold climate limits soil profile development. Productivity potential of Entisols varies widely, from very productive alluvial soils found on floodplains, to low fertility/productivity soils found on steep slopes or in sandy areas.
Key Characteristics: Entisols
- Soils with little profile development
- Many different parent materials contribute to varied soil properties of this order.
- Often found in very dry or cool locations
- Geographically extensive, commonly found with aridisols.
- Widely varied productivity potential
- Extent of world ice-free land area: 16%