Quiz Questions



Ecological resilience is the amount of disturbance an ecosystem can absorb before altering ________.

Looks Good! This is correct. A system is made up of components that form a larger structure, with processes and interactions arising organically between components. Resilience encompasses the ability of that structure and its processes to persist despite pressures to change.

Ecological resilience originated by C.S. Holling is the idea that ________.

Looks Good! This is correct. Ecological resilience as described by Holling aims to understand the capacity of an ecosystem to absorb disturbances and persist, along with the sudden change in state that may occur if absorbance and persistence are overcome.

From the ball-in-cup model, what are the two paths a system may take to change states?

Looks Good! This is correct. The system may undergo internal changes, or be made to change from outside forces. The outcome is the same, the system leaves its old cup and moves into a new one.

Ecological resilience can be applied to the management of ecosystems because ________.

Looks Good! This is correct. Modelling and quantifying the complexity of systems as they change can inform managers on which changes have desired or undesired outcomes. This way we can interact with other components in the system in an efficient and positive way.