Flower type

Dale observes that the red flowered and strong stemmed penstemon have both stamens and pistils in the same flowers.

Strong stemmed penstemon flower with both pistils (sticking out) and the stamen (in the petal shadow). Image by Dale Lindgren



These penstemon plants ___________.

To review this concept go to Flowering Principles: Plants with Perfect Flowers.

Looks Good! Correct: Stamens are the male part of the flower and pistils are the female part of the flower. Having both male and female parts in the same flower makes the flower 'perfect'.

If Dale wants the strong stemmed penstemon to be the male parent, he should?

To review this concept go to Flowering Principles: Plants with Perfect Flowers.

Looks Good! Correct: Removing the male parts and collecting the pollen they produce is the key. Since the remaining flower will not be needed, damage to this flower is not a problem.