Factors Continued...Climate


Duration and intensity of rainfall regulates the amount of soil detachment and subsequent loss from the land. During intense storms, rainfall can detach up to 100 tons/acre.

The erosive energy of running water depends on the volume and velocity. When the erosive energy is high (i.e., high volume and velocity), water can detach and transport large particles as well as smaller particles.



Thinking Question: Assuming both reach the ground at the same velocity, which rain event would likely have more erosive power? Explain why.

Looks Good! Erosive power energy of rain depends on the volume and velocity of rain. In this case, both large and small raindrops have same velocity. However, the volume would be different. In this case the large raindrops would have higher volume in comparison to the small raindrops. Note that the duration of the rainfall is the same for both rain fall events. So how would the erosive energy compare between the two rainfall events if the small raindrops lasted more than 120 minutes?





The total energy for a 760 mm (30 inches) annual precipitation occurring over 2.6 square kilometers (One square mile) is equivalent to the energy of 9,100 metric tons (8,256 short ton) of TNT (Meyer and Renard, 1991)!!!