Factors Contributing to Water and Wind Erosion of Soil


By the end of this section the student/user will be able to:

     Identify and analyze factors contributing to water and wind erosion of soil

Accompanying Exercise: (For students to print off, complete, and turn in for a grade)

     Factors Contributing to Water and Wind Erosion of Soil- Exercise (docx)

Climate, soil properties, vegetation, soil cover, and land management practices are factors that influence both water and wind erosion. Soil surface roughness, unsheltered distance, and wind velocity and turbulence are additional factors influencing wind erosion, and topography is an additional factor influencing water erosion.

Factors Influencing Erosion:

Water Erosion 

Wind Erosion 



soil properties: aggregation /soil moisture

soil properties

soil cover

soil cover

land management

land management


soil surface roughness


unsheltered distance


wind velocity and turbulence

The following six pages will discuss each of the factors contributing to water and wind erosion.