Perennial Grass Growth and Development Glossary
- anthers
The part of the stamen (part of the male reproductive structure) that develops and holds pollen; supported by the filament
- apical meristem
tissue at the tip of a plant shoot that causes new growth.
- axillary buds
a bud growing from the axil of a leaf (where the leaf connects to the stem).
- basal buds
buds at the crown of a plant capable of producing new tillers.
- blade
linear elongated leaf.
- boot stage
the stage of plant growth when the seed head begins to push through the upper leaf sheath
- bunchgrasses
a grass that grows in a more upright fashion creating “bunches” as opposed to spreading out laterally.
- canopy
when the upper part of leaves spread out in such a way to shade or cover the ground.
- collar
where the blade and leaf sheath meet on a grass plant.
- crown
the stem base of the plant.
- culm
The elongated stem resulting from internode elongation.
- defoliation
cutting or removing leaf tissue.
- differentiation
When plant cells and tissues specialize in structure and function
- established
Process through which a plant becomes independent following emergence through soil, development of leaf lamina, and formation of adventitious roots.
- establishment
Process through which a plant becomes independent following emergence through soil, development of leaf lamina, and formation of adventitious roots.
- fibrous
Composed of profusely branched roots with many lateral rootlets but with no main or tap root development.
(Pest Management Glossary flag leaf
the top leaf on a stem.
- germination
Process in which seeds sprout and begin to grow.
- growing point
a point on the plant where cells are capable of producing new plant tissues.
- inflorescence
flower structure, arrangement of flowers.
- internode
the space on the stem between nodes.
- nodes
A joint on a stem where shoots, leaves and flowers arise.
- panicle
An indeterminate inflorescence whose primary axis bears branches of pedicelled flowers.
- perennial
A plant that lives three or more years.
- photosynthesis
The process in which plants use light energy to make sugars and other organic food molecules from carbon dioxide and water.
- propagate
using plant tissue to generate new plants.
- raceme
A simple, indeterminate inflorescence with pedicelled flowers.
- rachis
the main stem of an inflorescence.
- rhizomes
A horizontal, usually underground stem that often sends out roots and shoots from its nodes.
- senescence
plant tissue death.
- sheath
the base of a grass leaf that encases the stem of the plant.
- sheath
the base of a grass leaf that encases the stem of the plant.
- sod-forming grasses
(sod grass) - horizontally spreading grass that may have rhizomes or stolons.
- spike
An unbranched, indeterminate iflorescence with sessile flowers.
- spikelet
a small spike in grasses, the subunit of the inflorescence.
- spikelets
a small spike in grasses, the subunit of the inflorescence.
- stem bases
Lowest portion of a stem closest to ground that stores carbohydrate and protein reserves critical for regrowth in grasses
- sterile tillers
Elongated tillers in which the apical meristem remains vegetative, i.e., it does not develop inflorescence primordia.
- stolons
A shoot that bends to the ground or that grows horizontally above the ground and produces roots and shoots at the nodes.
- vegetative
growth stage where a plant produces new leaf tissue.
- vernalization
Subjection of plants to low temperature in order to hasten plant flowering.