Aplicaciones prácticas de la fisiología de los herbicidas en las plantas Glossary


The process of moving a substance from the exterior of a plant to the internal portion.

aceites como aditivos

An additive made either synthetically or extracted from seeds that enhances herbicide uptake.


Portion of the developing seedling above the root system.


Flower stalk elongation.


Process resulting in two objects (i.e. herbicide molecule and a plant) touching each other.


A plant's outer waxlike layer, composed of lipoidal waxes and hydrophilic cutin that acts as a protective layer over the epidermal cell wall.


Process whereby molecules move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.

flujo de masas

Process by which a dissolved or suspended molecule is moved with movement of the solvent, i.e., a floating piece of wood moving with the current in a stream.


Area of cell division.


Process resulting in a change in chemical structure of a herbicide.


Negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration (pH = -log H+]), the higher the pH of an environment the less H+ ion concentration, the more basic the environment becomes.


The inherited ability of a population to survive and reproduce following repeated exposure to a dose of herbicide normally lethal to the wild type. Resistance may also be induced by such techniques as genetic engineering or selection of variants produced by tissue culture or mutagenesis.


Differential affect on a mixed population.

sitio de absorción

Plant part through which a herbicide is absorbed.

sitio de acción

Point in biochemical pathway at which a herbicide functions.


An additive that reduces the surface tension of a droplet allowing for better contact between water droplet and plant surface.


Sensitive to a stimulus.


The survival of a normal weed species population following treatment with a herbicide at a rate lethal to other species.


Movement from one point to another within a plant.