Turf Grass
Herbicide Classification
This lesson focuses on understanding the classification system into which herbicides are organized. Terms of classification, classification hierarchy, examples of classification and a brief overview of the eight modes of action are all discussed in this lesson. Once this is understood it is much easier to grasp similar herbicides and know why they may exhibit certain symptoms to weeds and plants alike. Objectives: 1. Understand how herbicides are classified and why it is important for managing herbicide resistance 2. Understand the Importance of classification and herbicides by mode of action rather than chemical family 3. Be able to tell the difference between mode of action and site of action 4. Be able to differentiate between herbicide families, modes of action, and sites of action 5. Understand common name, trade names and sites of absorption
Clasificación de los herbicidas
Esta lección se enfoca en entender el sistema de clasificación en el cual están organizados los herbicidas. Terminología como clasificación, jerarquía de clasificación, ejemplos de clasificación y un breve resumen de los ocho modos de acción, se discuten en esta lección. Una vez que esto se entiende, es mucho más fácil comprender herbicidas similares y saber por qué estos pueden exhibir ciertos síntomas en malezas y cultivos.
Erosion Control Measures
This lesson will discuss erosion control practices in the agricultural and construction environments. The impact of erosion management practices will be demonstrated with exercises using a USLE calculator.
Greening Up the Greens - Transpiration Application Scenario
A scenario to accompany the online lesson, 'Transpiration - Water Movement Through Plants'.