Pest Management
Appearance of Herbicide Resistance in a Weed Population
Through the repeated use of the same herbicide, weed populations can consist of susceptible (S)-biotypes that are controlled and herbicide resistant (R)-biotypes that are left behind to produce and return seed with the resistance characteristic back into the soil. This lesson will highlight the population dynamics of a mixed weed population, containing S- and R-biotypes, and compare and contrast the rate at which herbicide resistant weeds appear in a population under a diversity of selection pressures. This lesson will highlight the population dynamics of a mixed (herbicide susceptible and resistant biotype) weed population, and compare and contrast the rate of appearance of herbicide resistance in a mixed population under a diversity of selection pressures.
Aparición de resistencia a herbicidas, en una población de malezas
El uso repetido del mismo herbicida, puede provocar poblaciones de malezas que consisten de biotipos susceptibles (S) que son controlados y biotipos resistentes (R), que escapan al control para producir y retornar semilla con la característica de resistencia, al banco de semillas del suelo. Esta lección se enfocará en la dinámica poblacional de una población de malezas mezclada con biotipos S y R. Se comparará y contrastará la tasa a la que aparecen malezas resistentes en una población bajo diversas presiones de selección. ****** Esta lección se enfocará en la dinámica poblacional de una población mezclada (biotipos susceptibles y resistentes a un herbicida), y comparar y contrastar la tasa a la cual aparece resistencia al herbicida, en una población de malezas mezclada, bajo diversas presiones de selección.
Corn Rootworm - Part 1: Description of Corn Rootworm and Other Early Season Corn Pests
This lesson will discuss the corn rootworm complex, which consists of the northern, western, and southern corn rootworm, focusing on the northern and western species. The information in this lesson will focus on the biology of corn rootworms in the north central Corn Belt, including Iowa and Nebraska. Crop producers, crop scouts, students, and the general public may find the information in this lesson helpful for identifying corn rootworm, other corn pests, and the feeding damage caused by each insect.
Corn Rootworm - Part 2: Corn Rootworm Management
This lesson will discuss economic thresholds and management options related to the corn rootworm complex consisting of the northern, western, and southern corn rootworm, with emphasis on the northern and western species. The information in this lesson will focus on the north central Corn Belt, including Iowa and Nebraska. Crop producers, crop scouts, students, and the general public may find this lesson helpful for obtaining information about developing a management plan to control corn rootworm.
European Corn Borer and Bacillus thuringiensis
This lesson contains information about the history, life cycle, and host plants of the European corn borer and information relating to the history and biology of Bacillus thuringiensis.
Gene Design 1 - Gene Regions
This lesson describes the three gene regions and their roles in gene expression. It also discusses how the regions of a gene can be altered to obtain desired trait expression.
Herbicides That Act Through Photosynthesis
This lesson will examine herbicides that adversely affect light-related processes, thereby causing damage to plants. There are four basic mechanisms that will be studied in this class of agents: herbicides that inhibit or block synthesis of Protoporphyrin IX; herbicides that inhibit synthesis of carotenoids; herbicides that block Photosystem II electron transfer; and herbicides that divert electrons from Photosystem I. All share the ability to cause cellular damage in the presence of light.
Herbicidas que Actúan A través de la Fotosíntesis
En esta lección se examinarán los herbicidas que afectan los procesos celulares relacionados con la utilización de la luz, causando así daños a las plantas. Existen cuatro mecanismos básicos que serán estudiados: herbicidas que obstruyen la síntesis de protoporfirina IX; herbicidas que inhiben la síntesis de carotenoides; herbicidas que obstruyen la transferencia de electrones en el fotosistema II; y herbicidas que substraen electrones del fotosistema I. Todos ellos comparten la misma habilidad de causar daños celulares en presencia de luz.
Practical Applications of Herbicide Physiology
This lesson will focus on the impact of herbicide and plant characteristics important in determining herbicide performance. Visual images will be used to illustrate several principles including herbicide site of uptake, translocation, site of action sensitivity, and environmental effects on herbicide performance. This information provides a basis for maximizing herbicide performance.
Aplicaciones prácticas de la fisiología de los herbicidas en las plantas
Esta lección se focaliza en el impacto de las características de la planta y el herbicida, importantes para determinar el desempeño del herbicida. Se usarán imágenes visuales para ilustrar varios principios, incluyendo el sitio de absorción del herbicida en la planta, transporte, el sitio de acción sensible, y efectos del ambiente sobre el desempeño del herbicida. Esta información provee la base para maximizar la utilidad del uso de los herbicidas.
The New Bts
Bt corn is a general term used to describe corn hybrid farmers buy that have an additional gene added to one on their chromosomes which originated from the soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). This lesson tells the story of how different hybrids can contain different Bt genes which encode proteins that have toxicity to different corn pest insects.
Transformation 3 - Transformation Events
This lesson defines an 'event'. It explains the determining factors specific to an event, the qualities of a desirable event, and the identification and selection of desirable events.