Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA QC) are key for developing effective plant breeding programs which make the most impact for the resources available. Molecular markers can greatly enhance Quality Assurance and Quality Control in plant breeding. It is therefore important to know what is meant by QA QC, how markers are used in QA and QC, how to assess the resultant data, and how to make decisions on selecting lines to move forward in the breeding-to-market process.
This lesson is written for plant breeders who are interested in or beginning to use molecular marker technology in quality assurance and quality control in plant breeding.
At the end of this lesson you will be able to:
- Define what is meant by Quality Assurance and Quality Control
- Describe how molecular markers can assist in Quality Assurance and Quality Control
- Explain how to effectively utilize markers including how many to use and at which stage in the breeding processes they can be used
- Assess the results of genotyping data and make decisions from that data
Copyright 2011
This eLesson was supported in part by the National Research Initiative Competitive Grants CAP project 2011-68002-30029 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, administered by the University of California-Davis. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the USDA -NIFA.