Corn Breeding: Lessons From the Past Glossary
- addition
The movement into or deposition of a quantity of material.
- Corn Belt
An agricultural region of the central United States primarily in Iowa and Illinois, but also parts of Indiana, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Ohio.
- cross
The deliberate mating of two parental types of organisms in genetic analysis.
- cross-pollination
The transfer of pollen from an anther of the flower of one plant to a stigma of the flower of another plant.
- cross-pollination
the type of pollination that occurs when pollen from one plant falls on the silks of a different plant.
- crossing
The deliberate mating of two parental types of organisms in genetic analysis.
- embryo
The undeveloped plant in a seed.
- environment
The combinations of all the conditions external to the genome that potentially affect gene expression and the phenotype of a plant.
- fertilization
The act or process of initiating biological reproduction by pollination.
- hybrid
An individual produced by crossing two parents of different genotypes.
- hybrid vigor
the phenomenon of a hybrid plant having greater vigor than its parents.
- hybrids
Individuals produced by crossing two parents of different genotypes.
- inbred
a pure-breeding strain of corn.
- inbreeding
a system of mating in which mates are more likely to be related than would occur if mating was random. Self-pollination is an extreme type of inbreeding.
- nodes
A joint on a stem where shoots, leaves and flowers arise.
- open-pollinated variety
a variety of corn that is named for the manner in which seed of the variety is propagated across generations
- pollen
Dust-like material produced by the anther (male reproductive structure) that is composed of pollen grains (microgametophytes) which carry the male gametes of seed plants; important in fertilization.
- pollination
To transfer pollen from an anther to the stigma of a flower.
- progeny
The offspring of an organism.
- race
in which all plants of that class share certain characteristics, such as ear shape and number of kernel rows.
- seed
Ripened fertilized ovule of a flowering plant that contains an embryo and normally capable of germination.
- selection
A natural or artificial process that favors or induces survival and perpetuation of one kind of organism over others that die or fail to produce offspring.
- self-pollination
the type of pollination that occurs when pollen from a single plant falls on the silks of that same plant.
- self-pollination
Transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma of the same flower.
- single-cross hybrid
the type of hybrid that is produced when two different inbreds are cross-pollinated.
- soil
The top layer of the Earth’s surface, consisting of four major components: air, water, organic matter and mineral matter. There are three categories of soil particles--sand, silt and clay--which are called "soil separates."
- variety
Crop plants within a species that have the same genetic composition. Because plants in a self-pollinated crop are usually homozygous, the variety and their offspring will remain genetically pure (i.e., barley varieties). Because plants in a cross-pollinated crop are usually heterozygous, the variety and their offspring will not remain genetically pure (i.e., hybrid corn varieties).
- yield potential
The highest yield a plant (hybrid, variety, etc.) is capable of producing when grown in ideal conditions.
- Zea mays L.
the scientific name of corn.