Genotyping Example, Step 3 - Determining Deviations

Next, just as in the phenotype example, in this genotyping example we will now calculate how much the observed DNA marker patterns differed from that which were expected. Expand our table just like before, adding a column for "deviations" in which the expected number of individuals for a specific banding pattern are subtracted from what was actually seen (Table 6). This is done for each of the three different genotypic classes.

Table 6: Calculating deviations between what we expected for genotypic data and what was observed.
Class Observed (O) Expected (E) Deviation (O-E)
A (OH88119) 85 49.25 35.75
B (6.8068) 46 49.25 -3.25
H (heterozygous) 66 98.50 -32.50
TOTAL 197 197