Experiment Outline - M3
7) The next spring Dr. Specht planted about 20-30 M3 seeds from each envelope. This time seeds were planted in progeny rows. Seeds from each envelope are planted in the same row and the row is carefully staked and mapped in the field.
8) Again that next summer Dr. Specht observed plant phenotypes and took notes. Dr. Specht was again frequently seen in these plots. Three kinds of rows of M3 plants were observed:
a. All the M3 plants in the row looked normal, the unique phenotype of the M2 parent was not passed on to the progeny.
The M3 seeds are planted in progeny rows. (Photo by P. Hain)
b. All the M3 plants in the row had the unique trait of the M2 parent.
c. Some of the plants in the row had the unique phenotype of the parent and others had the normal condition.
Three types of possible M3 progeny rows. (Image by P. Hain)